May 23, 2006

I demand satisfaction

This wet, slimy nastiness is wholly unacceptable. This is summer, damn you, and I expect summer to behave in a manner befitting its station. I have work to do, operations in progress that cannot tolerate a rain delay.

I am not interested in your recriminations; I hold all of you equally responsible for this outrage. Whatever is necessary to rectify this situation, you are to do. I do not want explanations; I want results.

Until I have them, the barfing and the biting will continue in general and indiscriminate fashion — and rest assured I will be targeting more valuable and tender areas each time.

That is all.


Blogger Alice said...

Oh, Shmool, are you perhaps related to my wicked cat, Babouschka? I must say you have many qualities in common. You both are rulers of your domain, are both dark and merciless.

5/24/2006 1:41 AM  

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