January 07, 2006

Turn your head and hiss

It looks like Fabio's day of reckoning has come. Between his recent ballooning and everything that's been squirting out of him from one end or the other lately, I can't say this comes as much of a surprise.

First thing this morning, the Woman laid out one of those ominous cargo pallets, put him on it, and promptly crated him up for shipping.

This is a sadly familiar ritual for Fabio — no sooner had the bolts of his cage been tightened than he started singing a woeful spiritual.

It can only mean one thing: Fabio's off for another visit to the notorious Dr. Fingerer.

Oh, the humiliations he has in store for him... He'll probably come back shaved, drugged, stitched, lobotomized, peglegged, and wearing the inverted dunce cap.

Assuming the Woman doesn't throw out her back lifting him into the vehicle, that is.


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