February 16, 2005

Et tu, Bloaté?

Fabio's leaf obsession is getting out of hand. Again.

I don't mind his weird and completely pointless style of art. Lord knows if I looked like him I'd have some issues to work out. But he just can't seem to get them through the airlock. So for every leaf he manages to bring into the house, he leaves at least a dozen more piled outside the door.

This is a high-traffic area, not to mention the logistical keystone of the whole neighborhood. I must be allowed to move easily through this portal. I require an unobstructed line of sight when entering the wilderness, and a fast, clear approach when returning to base. Even the hound recognizes this (the one thing he does disturbingly well is sail through that portal... some traffic control may be in order).

But my idiot brother's leafy mess is fast becoming a dangerous obstacle, a festering clog that will one day cut off my airlock access completely. I do not rule out the possiblilty, as remote as it may seem, that this has something to do with the Woman's recent rezoning activities. Fabio is a sucker, after all, and may very well be an unwilling pawn in some grander scheme to redefine my boundaries.

It may be necessary for me to explore some kind of alliance with the Man in this matter.


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